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Pollinators in New York City

Pollinators keep busy even here in New York City. Most pollinators in NYC and around the world are insects, and of all insect pollinators, bees are the most important in the city.  Scientists have not done many studies on native pollinators in NYC, so while they know flies are the next most common, then wasps and butterflies, more work needs to be done.  Read the short introductions below on known pollinators in NYC, check out the "Pollinator Friendly Plants" to learn about native plants and the pollinators that need them, and for even more information go to the Resources tab.




Picture Guide to New York City Pollinators

Pollinator Friendly Plants

Secret Lives of Flowers


The most important pollinator and most common in NYC is bees.  There are over 200 different types or species of bees in NYC.  Even though most people think bees live in colonies, build hives and make honey, most actually live on their own and are called native bees. Native bees build nests in the ground or wood.   

Nat Geo Bees

Pest World For Kids

Butterflies & Moths

Butterflies and moths have special mouthparts called the proboscis.  This allows these insects to suck up sweet nectar from flowers.  There are over 100 different types or species of butterflies found in NYC.


Butterfly Facts

Nat Geo Monarchs

National Wildlife Federation



After bees, the second most common pollinator in NYC is flies.  Flies are known for pollinating small flowers like goldenrods, strawberries, and sweet peppers.  It is not know how many types of flies are good pollinators.


Easy Science for Kids

Pest World for Kids


Wasps are often confused with bees because they look very similar, but wasps are less hairy.  Only the adult wasp is interested in nectar from flowers, and their young or larvae eat mostly other insects.  Common wasps in NYC are the yellow jacket and paper wasps.


Pest World Wasps

National Geographic


Over 30,000 different types or species of beetles live in the U.S.  They can often be found on flower heads.  The most common in NYC are tumbling flower beetles and June beetles.



Pest World for Kids

Cool Facts for Kids


The only type of hummingbird that lives in NYC is the ruby-throated hummingbird. They migrate or move south in the winter to find food, and can be found in NYC during the summer.  Their long beak is perfect for sipping nectar from long tube like flowers. 

Kids Grow Strong

 All About Birds

Junior Pollinator Project
Create a WANTED Poster

You will create a Wanted poster for one pollinator.


  1. Select a pollinator to read about and write about.

  2. Use the following questions to guide your research:

    • What does your pollinator look like?

    • What type of animal is it?

    • What types of flowers does it pollinate?

    • Where does this pollinator live?

    • One WOW fact.

  3. Go to the website Poster My Wall 

  4. Click the ‘Student Login’ button and enter the project name, "Pollinator Wanted Poster".

  5. One the right side of the screen scroll down to the 'Titlebox and type your name.

  6. Click the ‘Save’ button to save your design.  

  7. When you have finished, click 'File' then 'Download' and 'Download'.

  8. Post your Wanted Poster in the Padlet below by clicking on the '+' and uploading the PDF file.

  9. Look at other students work and comment on at least 2.  Remember to give a GLOW and a GROW.

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